It’s officially fall, and it’s a busy month for commercial roof inspections in Memphis and elsewhere around the nation. Why? Because it’s important for both property managers and building owners to ensure that their rooftop is ready for the brutal winter ahead. With the upcoming temperature changes, these fluctuations can cause issues for rooftops that have even the most minor structural issues. When the temps drop, water can both freeze and expand and can wind up causing cracks or holes in the roofing materials — oftentimes leading to severe leaks. When thinking about freezing temps, it’s important to remember that both snow and ice can add some serious pressure (weight) as well to a commercial rooftop, causing severe damage. It’s critical to ensure that your rooftop can support that added weight.
With these inspections, the roofing professionals at CP Rankin aim to assist building owners and property managers in preparing rooftops for the changing conditions. Oftentimes, necessary repairs or replacements, prior to the cold weather setting in, is the difference between a healthy roof and complete failure. For those waiting to inspect in the spring, rooftops are easily subjected to expensive repairs. Don’t wait! Save today!
Common Findings During Fall Inspections
Unusual or Excessive Wear
A repetitious issue that our professional observe during fall inspections are weakened or worn-out roofing materials resulting from generic wear and tear. Entire membranes, flashings, and seals wear out over time and, if not repaired in a timely manner, can cause serious issues later on. The winter season can be especially brutal to commercial roofing systems and it’s important to catch the weak spots before severe winter weather.
Drain Block and Rooftop Debris
Rooftop foliage, including moss and algae, tends to gather on rooftops and, when not properly cleaned and cleared, tend to cause drainage issues. If foliage or any other form of debris is blocking any of the roofing system’s drainage, serious damage can result from ponding to the underlying structure.
Lingering Animals
Mice and other rodents sense the incoming winter season and are on the hunt for a warm place to reside during the colder months. Cracks or current leaks in your rooftop flashing can flash an “open” sign to these critters. They can enter even through the tiniest of gaps and it’s important to note that these gaps will eventually get bigger, further compromising the integrity of your roof, making a perfect entryway for future rainwater (and more rodents) to get inside your building.
What may be one of the most obvious of the rooftop hunt, identifying leaks before the winter is critical in helping to ensure your rooftop makes it through the harsh season. Whether it’s through vents or roof penetrations, it’s important to catch these issues early. Identifying and correcting these leaks early is your best defense against future roof failure.
With regular fall roofing inspections, building owners and property managers can address these common discoveries before they wreak havoc on the entire roofing system. With a comprehensive maintenance plan, roofing issues can be addressed prior to any serious damage and can wind up saving your budget thousands. Don’t wait until it’s too late, contact our team today, and reap the benefits of a healthy roofing system year-round.